Jeff King, MIT Scientist Explains WTC Controlled Demolition
14 min 35 sec - Mar 17, 2006
Improbable Collapse 75 min
Improbable Collapse is the first film to thoroughly review the evidence for WTC demolitions from a scientific perspective.
9/11 Mysteries - Demolition : 91 min
Sept 2006, 90 minutes of pure demolition evidence and analysis, laced with staggering witness testimonials. Moving from "the myth" through "the analysis" and into "the players," careful deconstruction of the official story set right alongside clean, clear science. The 9/11 picture is not one of politics or nationalism or loyalty, but one of strict and simple physics. How do you get a 10-second 110-story pancake collapse?
9/11: Press for Truth : 81 Mins
Aug, 2006 Following the attacks of September 11th, a small group of grieving families waged a tenacious battle against those who sought to bury the truth about the event—including, to their amazement, President Bush. In ‘9/11 PRESS FOR TRUTH’, six of them, including three of the famous “Jersey Girls”, tell for the first time the powerful story of how they took on the greatest powers in Washington—and won!—compelling an investigation, only to subsequently watch the 9/11 Commission fail in answering most of their questions.
The Great Conspiracy : Barry Zwicker - 70 min
July, 2006 The 9/11 News Special You Never Saw is a 70-minute sequel to The Great Deception. That is a ground-breaking 44-minute video also by Barrie Zwicker. He was the first mainstream journalist in the world to go on air (in January 2002) and ask hard questions about the official story of 9/11. The Great Deception is a compilation of his series of seven commentaries on 9/11. In The Great Conspiracy, Zwicker updates and expands his critique. He analyses the use of fear to befuddle the public. He deconstructs the so-called "war on terrorism." He examines in depth the failure of the military on 9/11 and George Bush's highly inappropriate behaviour that day. He finds the 9/11 Commission to be a total coverup operation. Throughout, he analyses the role of the mainstream media as complicit in keeping the public massively misinformed and befuddled. And he suggests what we can do. Those who have seen both works find them complementary.
Terror Storm, History of False Flag Events : 112 Mins
June 2006 Journeys from the depths of history from the Gulf of Tonkin, the USS Liberty and Gladio through to the Madrid and 7/7 London bombings and robustly catalogues the real story behind the government induced fable.
911 EYEWITNESS : 86 Mins
April 2006 Prepare yourself for the shocking reality of raw digital video that was removed from the internet when all the OnlineTV computers were seized. Despite legal attempts to recover them, they remain locked away to this day...Stand in the shoes of a 9-11 Eyewitness. Believe your own eyes and ears. Reach your own conclusion. Develop your own opinion. Act upon your conscience.
Mar 2006 Loose Change 2nd Edition : 82 Mins
Loose Change [2nd Edition ReCut], will prove that what happened on September 11, 2001 was no act done by nineteen hijackers affiliated with Al Qaeda, nor a plan implemented by Osama Bin Laden. Instead, the infamous event was a cold, calculated, and malicious attack on the American people carried out by a group of tyrants ready and willing to do whatever it takes to keep their strangled hold on this country; 9/11 was a self-inflicted wound. All that is asked of you when viewing this documentary is to watch it with an open mind--set aside your political beliefs for an hour and a half. Remember, this documentary is only an eye-opener; new evidence of the inside-job is revealed each and every day. Therefore, when you are finished with the video, please take the time and further investigate by pointing your browser to Universal Seed and the Loose Change Forums.
Painful Deceptions : 123 Mins
Jan 2005 Shows that the conspiracy is much larger than US Government believes. That eight of the 19 "terrorists" who "died" in the 9/11 attacks are alive and well and some have been interviewed? That the 60 TONS of wreckage of the American Airlines flight AA77 were never found and some witnesses say they saw a missile and not an airplane hitting the Pentagon?
Hijacking Catastrophe : 70 Mins
Hijacking Catastrophe is powerful, understated, straightforward and educational. In a single meticulously organized hour of evidence and analysis, viewers are treated to a thoughtful explanation of modern American empire, neo-conservatism as a driving force for the current Bush administration, and something I have not seen before, a real economic analysis of what is driving some of our current "global war on terror."
The film examines the Bush Administration’s investment in neo-conservatism, and the early, and already horrific, results. While past performance is no guarantee of future earnings, Hijacking Catastrophe shows exactly why America’s "new conservatism" is a pyramid scheme of inhumane proportions.
The film examines eight aspects of the current situation of American foreign policy. The film provides an explanation for the obvious continuity between Cold War policies and those of the present. It examines long-term neoconservative thinking and how this peculiar version of Jacobin utopianism ascended from its rather inauspicious political roots. The film explores the dangerous territory of how the post 9-11 national shock was carefully cultivated by neoconservatives in Washington to support their own long-held objectives in the Middle East. Media Education Foundation
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